
O.W.W.L. Lifestyle

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‘O.W.W.L. Lifestyle

Posted by DrewImagination on Sep 18, 2012 in Lifestyle

In his seemingly cool, calm and collected manner, O.W.W.L. co-founder Alexander Bing explains how following his passion has led him to unprecedented opportunities to flourish and support his art. A graphic designer, professional dancer, sketch and graffiti artist, clothing designer, aspiring photographer and videographer, marketing pro, disc jockey, hip-hop head and father, Alex is remarkably undiscovered.

Born in Stewart, Florida, Alex spent most of his years in Detroit and Baltimore before moving to Hawai’i in 2009. Dancing, drawing, writing and creating became mechanisms of refuge from the distractions of Alex’s upbringing.

“They hated dancing in the hallways,” Alex described of his high school administration, “So I started a hip hop club. I wrote a petition, got signatures, went through the proper procedures, and created a club with all elements of hip-hop in representation.”

It seems business and passion have always been a common denominator for Alexander Bing.

In Oahu, Alex met Dancers Unlimited executive director and Loading Zone co-founder Linda Kuo after coordinating his first art show held at Soho Mixed Media Bar. Linda co-founded O.W.W.L. with Alex— propelling his artistic vision and bringing credibility to the brand’s community-rooted concept and vision. O.W.W.L. is part of the Dancers Unlimited and Loading Zone network.

As Linda explains, O.W.W.L. is more than a logo— it’s an initiative.
“O.W.W.L. is a lifestyle brand that represent everyone who lives with and for their passion— that can be dance, art, music, poetry, sports, food or anything.” The idea came about as Alex was in Maryland attending art school and Linda was in Shanghai performing dance.

O.W.W.L. stands for One World With Love.

It’s the lifestyle motto that’s become the quasi-prophetic vision behind Alex’s multi-faceted work and Linda’s community and artistic development. The idea that we are all interconnected, despite culture or geography, through basic humanity and especially our art forms is at the premise of O.W.W.L.’s enterprise.

“People are always going to choose something that represent themselves— if you stick to something that’s true to your nature, you really can’t go wrong,” remarks Alex on the message behind the lifestyle brand.

In its earliest stages, O.W.W.L. designed the warm-up suits donned by Dancers Unlimited at the 2010 World Expo held in Shanghai, China. With its first official release in December 2011, O.W.W.L has made commendable gains in less than a year. Their products are available online, at Black Flys in the International Marketplace, The Moon at Pearlridge Mall, Loading Zone in Chinatown, and boutique in Taiwan.

Alex’s business confidence and outreach is matched by his integrity. “We want people to build with us, grow with us, and understand that (O.W.W.L.) is going to be around for longer than a phase.” The reputation Alex has built for himself and his brand has laid the foundation for creative expansion while giving rise to the collective.

O.W.W.L.‘s conscious undertones is not without reason. It’s a reflection of their values and a blueprint of what’s to come. [quote]“(O.W.W.L.) stands with the independent artist. We want others to know what we’re about and encourage the like-minded to persevere. We’re here and we’re rooting for you.”[/quote]

By continually creating and expanding, this brand represents more than tangible accomplishments. O.W.W.L. represents the pursuit of passion and the network of support allowing our passions to become careers.

It’s a long journey to self-sustainability as an artist. Linda and Alex are well versed in adversity and persistence. In creating O.W.W.L., they sought to bring together independent artists through our similar stories and struggles. ”On the road to success you’re bound to lose some sleep—that’s the O.W.W.L. lifestyle,” explains Linda of their continual drive.

Recognizing that a community’s progression is more important than individualistic gains is a breakthrough realization that turns independent artists into community innovators. It’s also fueled Alex’s scope of direction.

“If you’re going to do (something) make it meaningful and purposeful. Say something beneficial with your art.”
The O.W.W.L. mentality brings hope and the prospect of communal growth in times of profit-driven decisions and selfish business practices.

While no business should jeopardize their well being to lend a helping hand, O.W.W.L. has gone above and beyond the calling of community service. Community service is at the very essence of O.W.W.L. It’s a single element to the whole compound of their existence.

Whether you’re an East Coast breaker, a West Coast emcee, an international artist or a local graphic designer, our artistic differences are far more similar than we may perceive.

O.W.W.L. best serves as a humbling reminder that all over the world there are artists pursuing their heart’s desires while empowering minds, enriching communities and sustaining their craft’s livelihoods— so don’t you ever belittle or give up on your ambition.’

June 2024


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